Warning: Wall of Texts

A weirdo embracing and celebrating his weirdness.

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Dazed, confused and stumbling through life. Searching for answers to questions I don't even know...

Friday, October 19, 2007

In case of emergency...

This is a clip Jay Leno. A four-year old calls the police for help on his math homework!

Friday, October 12, 2007

An unfortunate twist of events for someone else in my university has led me to be in possession of their iPod shuffle! I found it in lab during my class today. I held on to it and tried to stay back as long as I could in case the careless owner returned to claim it but no such luck. Well finders keepers I guess.

Not that I particularly fancy these gadgets, but I have to admit it looks pretty cool and unbelievably tiny~! Now all I need to do is figure out how to work this contraption or whachama-call-it. Anyone knows how to transfer files into this thingy?

Monday, October 08, 2007

Bye-bye Beyonce~!

Haiyoh, not again. Why is it every time Malaysia makes international headlines it has to be because of something bad or embarrassing? I'm referring to the ban on Beyonce's planned concert in Stadium Putra:


Forget the whole moral protectors shit for once. Let's get real here for a moment people. Concerts bring in BIG money! It doesn't just involve the sponsors and advertisers, but also a huge network from other industries. Not to mention the amount of publicity it'll give our country. I mean come on, it's fuckin Beyonce for god's sake!

When Rain had his concert in KL not too long ago, we had fans pouring in from neighbouring countries and some far away as S. Korea too! From what I heard, some were crazy enough to get tickets for ALL his concerts and followed him to Singapore right after his KL performance.

Money people, money! Money which we'll never see coz some people are unable to accept that the world is a different place now and things don't work the way they use to anymore. Last I heard it was suppose to be Visit Malaysia 2007. So what's with these 'Closed minds, closed doors' policy all of a sudden?

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Lazy, lazee, lazeee week...

It's gonna be a busy week for me as I'm facing a landslide of assignment deadlines. And instead of working my ass off in the library for my Honours degree I end up doing what I do best: procrastinate.

Luckily I have my lovely house mates to see me throughout these troublesome times. And we offer each other support by procrastinating TOGETHER...