Warning: Wall of Texts

A weirdo embracing and celebrating his weirdness.

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Dazed, confused and stumbling through life. Searching for answers to questions I don't even know...

Saturday, September 29, 2007

A visit to the National Gallery of Victoria...

My post modernism lecturer email-ed me about an exhibition going on at the NGV. Since I had to come up with a travel piece for another course I figured why not kill two crows with one stone.

Even the layout and buildings of the place were artsy-fartsy. Most of the galleries featured work from post modernist and impressionist artists. Best of all most of it is free so hopefully I'll have another chance to visit again soon.

One piece on display caught my attention and I couldn't wait to share it with you people...

It's titled 'Nest' by Patricia Piccinini. I like the little guy. He's so cuuuuute~!


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