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A weirdo embracing and celebrating his weirdness.

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Dazed, confused and stumbling through life. Searching for answers to questions I don't even know...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

This should be fun to watch...

The News Strait Times has announced today that the Education Ministry is allocating RM20 million for its sex education programme. They said that the amount was needed to provide training, campaigns and promotional items.

Last I checked, condoms did not come with a RM50 price tag. It's not like they will needing much of it anyways coz I highly doubt that it'll be distributed to the public let alone teenagers coz God knows they are the last people on earth who'll be needing protection.

Come to think of it, this RM20m sexcapade will not even make it's way to schools, sort of. Our education minister believes that the best way to teach kids about the birds and the bees is not directly by providing sex education as a staple subject in schools but rather to be incorporated into several subjects which range from biology, moral, and even languages. So what, are our 5 year-olds suppose to memorise the ABCs of sexual terms now?

I can just imagine it'll go something like this:

Teacher: Class, it's time to read the alphabets. All together now. A is for?

Students: ANAL!

Teacher: Good. B is for?

Students: BOOBIES!

Teacher: C is for?

Students: COCK!

Curious student: Teacher, teacher. But my mommy told me cock is a chicken la. What does chicken have to do with sex ah?

Teacher: Oh, look at the time. Class, recess!

I'm just shivering with anticipation on what they'll be saying about homosexuality and AIDS. I wonder if Nik Aziz is choking on his morning coffee at this very moment.


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