Warning: Wall of Texts

A weirdo embracing and celebrating his weirdness.

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Dazed, confused and stumbling through life. Searching for answers to questions I don't even know...

Saturday, December 09, 2006

A little freaky but interesting game...

If you're bored staring at the computer in office waiting to go home or just stuck at home coz of the constant rain, try out this little mathematical trick:

1) Start by choosing a number from 0-7

2) Multiply your chosen digit by 2
3) Add 5 to the total
4)Now multiply that by 50
5) If you've already celebrated your birthday this year add another 1756 to that amount, if not add 1755 instead.
6) Finally, subtract the total with your year of birth (eg, 1981). Your results should only give you 3 digits. The first digit is the one you picked in step 1, while the last two will be your age! (If your final result has only two digits, you most probably picked 0 in step 1)

Freaky huh? Apparently it only works for 2006. Go ahead, try it with your friends. Or better yet use it to impress the guy/girl that you fancy! :-p

Neurotic Nerd says: "Go watch 'The Host'! It's one of those rare and unique movies that's worth watching more than once. Easily one of the top 5 best movies of 2006!


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